Divas who dish . . .

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Am I too Late...

Southern Potato Soup

with Arugula Salad

So I did a potato soup with sweet potatoes and regular potatoes, and I think it turned out pretty good.

I sauteed bacon and onions in a little bit of olive oil, added flour to make a paste. Added 6 cups of milk, and no Brit, no cream or whole milk, although I really wanted to dump the half gallon of cream I had into the soup, I controlled myself.

Added potatoes, let it boil. Then I proceeded to dump any spice I had that I thought was Southwestern-ish.

Added some chicken that I intended on smothering with spices and grilling it, but no propane, so it was boiled chicken.

Added some cheese and green onions to make the lovely presentation, and called it a dish!

Then added some arugula (that I have officially decided I don't like) to a salad, with black beans, green peppers, and yep, more cheese!

A yummy lime dressing that I added vanilla to and the complete meal with all secret ingredients.

Soup-would totally do again.

Salad-not the greatest.


  1. That soup looks so good, what a great idea. I had a spinach arugula salad for dinner tonight...I have a lot of arugula left over I need to use...

  2. Did you write down what you did for the soup so you know for next time?? I wish i could have a bite of it...
